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Entrant Number:
Entries Number:


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Please contact me if you have any questions. (English)Email : CIDPAE2023@126.com

Color Section

Title:《Mitica bellezza》 No.A00483
Title:《晨韵 Morning》 No.A00733
Title:《减“塑”》 No.A00038
Title:《滩涂-潮汐树2 Intertidal zone -tidal tree 2》 No.A00738
Title:《胡杨遗韵》 No.A00629
Title:《梅花鹿童话故事 The Fairy Tale of Sika Deer》 No.A00795
Title:《Evening sun》 No.A00701
Title:《Suburban Noise》 No.A00521
Title:《水之劫 Trouble》 No.A00418
Title:《书香崖州 Literary atmosphere of Yazhou》 No.A00677
Title:《上漆》 No.A00160
Title:《MICHELLE 17》 No.A00493
Title:《吸引 Attract》 No.A00518
Title:《芳华舞影》 No.A00618
Title:《富贵喜盈门》 No.A00079
Title:《齐心协力 Efforts in one direction》 No.A00576
Title:《孕味》 No.A00075
Title:《牧鹅 Grazing geese》 No.A00286

Monochrome Section

Title:《非遗太极 Intangible cultural heritage- TaiChi》 No.B00380
Title:《space travel》 No.B00501
Title:《凝望Gaze at》 No.B00009
Title:《古韵5》 No.B00059
Title:《Insight into the Sky》 No.B00272
Title:《传承 Inheritance》 No.B00134
Title:《《身残志坚》》 No.B00409
Title:《被遗忘的角落 The Forgotten Corner》 No.B00191
Title:《远山》 No.B00033
Title:《Flow》 No.B00456
Title:《海的馈赠 Gift of the Sea》 No.B00176
Title:《别有洞天 Beauty》 No.B00487
Title:《混凝土浇筑 Pouring of concrete》 No.B00339
Title:《风中摇曳的经幡 Fluttering prayer flags》 No.B00209
Title:《NOSTALGIE 5》 No.B00287
Title:《Prayer flags》 No.B00294
Title:《寂静silence》 No.B00118
Title:《聊天-ATLK》 No.B00014

Exhibition Review